Bulimia Help

All About Bulimia

Bulimia is term used commonly for an eating disorder called Bulimia nervosa. It is a psychological condition in which […]

Bulimia FAQs

Bulimia Eating Disorder

The main characteristic of Bulimia is an extreme preoccupation with food and weight, causing out of control eating patterns, […]


Bulimia Information

Bulimia Nervosa: An Eating Disorder

Bulimia Nervosa commonly known as Bulimia is an eating disorder affecting men as well as women. It is a combination of binge eating followed by vomiting. When a person suffers from bulimia he or she eats large amount of food within a short period of time and vomit the same by using purgatives to avoid weight gain. It is a psychological problem due to issues with their weight, emotional baggage, depression, stress or self-esteem problems. It becomes very hard to find out if a person is suffering […]

Battling an Eating Disorder When Bulimia Becomes a True American Idol Sized Problem

In a People Magazine article, American Idol contestant, Katherine McPhee disclosed that she has secretly suffered from bulimia for the past five years. It was her success in television’s American Idol competition that inspired her to come forward and get help to recover from her life-threatening eating disorder. Katherine, a vocalist who at her worst point was self-inducing vomiting up to seven times a day, claimed that she realized her bulimic behaviors were “equivalent to taking a sledgehammer to her throat” and brought herself to treatment. Glamorizing […]

Malign Effects of Anorexia and Bulimia

Eating disorders make lots of victims among people nowadays. The persons suffering from these conditions are exposed to many threats, developing obsessions with food and experiencing changes in their behavior. Eating disorders are a sort of mental illnesses that seriously affect the health and the lifestyle of the persons who suffer from them. People with eating disorders usually feel depressed, tired, anxious and confused. Eating disorders lead to severe mental and physical damage, making people susceptible to malign behaviors and activities. Anorexia Nervosa (anorexia) and Bulimia Nervosa […]

The Disturbing Trend of Bulimia

With so many girls striving to have the perfect figure, bulimia has become a trend with deadly consequences. Is there an answer to this epidemic? You leaf through the pages of glossy magazines, and you’re treated to images of women who are just plain thin. The latest trends in fashion revolve around ladies with what we describe to have the “perfect figure”. Teenagers, still developing and growing, pore over these magazines, wanting to emulate the celebrities. For a young girl with a less than ideal figure, the […]